Dr. Liu’s expertise lies in polymer/organic chemistry, biomaterials, nanotechnology and microbiology. The main focus of Dr. Liu’s research career is to approach the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases from the perspective of chemistry, nanotechnology and biomaterials. He has received over 3 M CAD in research funding as PI and 2.7 M CAD as Co-PI or collaborator from various granting agencies (including NSERC, CIHR, CFI and Research Manitoba) for his pioneering work in developing new broad-spectrum biocides, rechargeable biocidal coatings and “smart” polymeric materials. Dr. Liu has published >70 peer-reviewed articles in prestigious journals such as Advanced Functional Materials (impact factor (IF) 19.924), Advanced Healthcare Materials (IF 11.092), Carbohydrate Polymers (IF 11.2), ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF 10.383), Acta Biomaterialia (IF 9.7), Nanoscale (IF 8.307), Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine (IF 6.458), Journal of Material Chemistry B (IF 7.0), and Progress in Surface Science (IF 7.111). Dr. Liu’s research has also had successful translation to the industry with five patent applications, two granted patents and two licensing agreements. He has won the 2012 Rh Award in Interdisciplinary Studies from the Winnipeg Rh Foundation given his leadership in interdisciplinary research. He received the 2018 Merit Award for Research, Scholarly Work and Creative Activities from the University of Manitoba, and the 2019 John Ogilvie Research Innovation Award of the Canadian Society for Bioengineering CSBE/SCGAB. He is one of the recipients of the 2019 Outstanding Teacher from the University of Manitoba through the Students’ Teacher Recognition program, and the 2021 Graduating Class Award for Excellence in Teaching from the Price Faculty of Engineering, University of Manitoba.